

Why does the error "Error: spawn uvx ENOENT"occur when calling the tool?

Spawn is a function used to start new processes. This error occurs when trying to start the uvx process but the executable file cannot be found, usually because "uvx" is not installed on the system. You can try entering "uvx" directly in the command line to execute it. If it returns that the command cannot be found, you need to install "uvx".

how to install uvx

Why does the error "Error: MCP error -2: Request timed out" occur?

If this error occurs when enabling the MCP Server, it is because obtaining the server code from the network times out. Usually, you can try increasing UV_HTTP_TIMEOUT, switching DNS or using a proxy to solve it.

If this problem occurs when calling the server, it is generally due to the server calling a network service that has not returned for a long time. If it is not a problem with the third-party service itself, you can also try switching DNS or using a proxy.

How to know if the model supports tools?

The circular badge before each model name visually indicates its tool compatibility status: the outer ring in a shade of gray-green shows the model's original capability, while the inner dot uses the same color gradient to reflect the current configuration setting

How to use third-party services such as OpenRouter?

Such services are usually compatible with OpenAI's API. Therefore, you can choose OpenAI, set the API Base as the address provided by the service provider, and combine the model mapping feature to map the built-in model to the model you need.

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